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           Transforming Care for Individuals with 

           IDD & Autism Spectrum Disorders


DrCloudEHR, a “Meaningful Use Stage 3 – Promoting Interoperability (PI)” “Whole-Person” care solution, stands at the forefront of this transformation. By offering an end-to-end, measurable solution, DrCloudEHR enhances a provider’s ability to deliver value-based care through seamless data capture, consumer engagement, and health information exchange. 

Designed for your success

Enhanced Care Coordination

DrCloudEHR’s IDD solutions integrate care coordination across services, ensuring comprehensive support. Real-time communication among caregivers and clinicians enhances care quality and improves client satisfaction.

Regulatory Compliance and Efficiency

DrCloudEHR simplifies regulatory compliance with automated checks and accurate documentation. Our platform supports EVV, Medicaid billing, and audit readiness, reducing administrative burdens and allowing staff to focus on quality care.

Advanced Technology for Improved Accessibility

DrCloudEHR offers mobile access and advanced reporting tools, enabling efficient work and informed decisions from anywhere. Caregivers can update records and manage tasks on-the-go, while robust reporting provides insights for optimizing care and performance.

DrCloudEHR’s Staff Scheduling module streamlines workforce management, ensuring optimal coverage and reducing administrative burden. Easily create, manage, and adjust staff schedules to meet the dynamic needs of your organization.

The Service Documentation module offers comprehensive tools for accurate and consistent record-keeping. Capture detailed service notes, assessments, and progress reports with ease, ensuring compliance and enhancing care quality.

DrCloudEHR’s Compliance module ensures adherence to regulatory standards and simplifies audit preparation. Integrated checks and balances help maintain documentation accuracy and support state and federal compliance requirements.

The Billing module automates claims generation and submission, reducing errors and expediting payment processes. Link documentation directly to billing codes, ensuring precise and timely reimbursement for services rendered.

With Mobile Access, staff can securely manage patient records and documentation on-the-go. DrCloudEHR’s mobile-friendly platform ensures real-time access to critical information, enhancing flexibility and efficiency.

The Reporting module provides robust analytics and customizable reports to track performance and outcomes. Gain insights into operational trends, financial metrics, and clinical data to inform strategic decision-making.

DrCloudEHR’s Residential Support module offers comprehensive tools for managing group homes and supported living programs. Streamline daily operations, from medication administration to incident reporting, ensuring high-quality residential care.

DrCloudEHR is a specialized platform that goes above and beyond to support agencies serving individuals with IDD and ASD. It offers a comprehensive suite of services such as assessments, diagnosis, education, behavioral intervention, skills development, and applied behavior analysis therapies.

Extend the power of DrCloudEHR Behavioral Health & IDD Providers

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